寳 金 剛 寺
神奈川県小田原市 寳金剛寺は國府津山医王院と号し、829年弘法大師・空海の十大弟子の一人である杲隣大徳(ごうりんだいとく)によって創建されました。 東寺真言宗に属し、本山は京都の東寺(教王護国寺)です。
令和2年7月 國府津山 寳金剛寺 第38世住職
神谷 高雅
神谷 高雅

This temple is formally named Kohzusan Hohkongohji-Temple, was founded by the priest Gohrin-Daitoku in 829 and belongs to Shingon sect of Esoteric Buddhism which was founded by the priest Kohboh-Daishi Kukai during the ninth century or Heian period.
In addition to the Jizo-Bosatsu, the principal image of the temple, and the Dainichi-Nyorai, the important cultural property, we have various valuable Buddhist images, archives and paintings.
This temple will be founded 1200 years after 10 years.
The temple has kept its tradition based on the teachings of Kohboh-Daishi Kukai with the help of our followers all through these long years.
I think that it is my mission as chief priest to introduce them widely through this site.
I hope that not only from Japan but also from many people in the world will be an opportunity for interest in the teachings of Kohboh-Daishi Kukai.
In addition to the Jizo-Bosatsu, the principal image of the temple, and the Dainichi-Nyorai, the important cultural property, we have various valuable Buddhist images, archives and paintings.
This temple will be founded 1200 years after 10 years.
The temple has kept its tradition based on the teachings of Kohboh-Daishi Kukai with the help of our followers all through these long years.
I think that it is my mission as chief priest to introduce them widely through this site.
I hope that not only from Japan but also from many people in the world will be an opportunity for interest in the teachings of Kohboh-Daishi Kukai.
July 2020 Hohkongohji-Temple
Koga Kamiya The 38th chief priest
Koga Kamiya The 38th chief priest
創建 平安時代初期 天長6年(829年)
開山 杲隣大徳(ごうりんだいとく)
宗派 東寺真言宗
本山 京都 東寺(教王護国寺)
本尊 地蔵菩薩立像
宝号 南無大師遍照金剛
開山 杲隣大徳(ごうりんだいとく)
宗派 東寺真言宗
本山 京都 東寺(教王護国寺)
本尊 地蔵菩薩立像
宝号 南無大師遍照金剛